Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Something like a phenomenon.

This is just a quick poem I wrote in an exam last Friday while I should have writing up a marketing essay. Procrastination at it's best.

It can be an eye in the sky,
A bird ready to fly,
A fluttering of wings,
Or a trail of some things;
- Crumbs on the floor
  That lead to a door
Where you'll find a cauldron 
That's boiling and coiling
Thoughts into a spring
Ready to jump at you
And devour your soul
Pulling you into a meandering pit
Of mixed feelings and emotions,
Brewed into a potion

It doesn't make any sense at all. But that doesn't matter, really. Most of what I say doesn't make sense anyway- Ah the joys of individualism and deviance :) ..I shall get back to the wondrous world of studies and studying.

Peace and Love, bitchesss.

Torii out!