This morning I woke up, in almost complete darkness, to the marvellous sound of pouring rain. Just listening to it made me fall asleep again, untill my dad woke me up for the fifth time. I guess the fact that my room was reasonably darker than it usually is when i wake up, made me think that it's still Five AM.
I rolled out of my bed, bumping my head on the bedside table- ouch- and dragged myself to kitchen for my coffee before performing my usual morning rituals. On the way to mass i got a fuzzy feeling in my stomach. The reason for thisall boiled down to the sky being so dark and padded with clouds along with the way the rain was puring down- it reminded me of the U.K. Summer in the U.K, actually. I miss it so much!

That was another pointless post, now wasn't it? (:
Ah well, Here's to everyone fullfilling they're farfetched dreams and to Emigration!
Peace and Love,
Torii xoxo
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