Well, for starters, school season has officially begun. About fifty thousand kids started school today, more will start throughout the rest of this week. The university Fresher's Week begins on Friday and many Post secondary schools start or have or have started this week. MCAST and ITS, however, have totally different school dates so I will not go into that.
As for me? I've decided to do another year of so-called 'Sixth Form' and just get more A Levels. I do have a dilemma, though. What intermediates to take? I have decided to move Biology up a level and study it as an A Level and I will also be sitting through another year of Wilfred Owen, William Shakespeare and the like, however I can not decide on my three intermediates.
Here are my current options:
Marketing- I already have an A Level passmark in it, so I figure Intermediate should be pretty easy.
Sociology- I just find it really interesting so I will, at least, enjoy studying it.
Home Ec.- I studied it at intermediate last year so I already know the syllabus.
Art- This subject I LOVE! I have been brought up in a house where art is really important so studying the history of art, for instance, would be pretty col. Plus, I love drawing and painting and all things arty so I guess that's a positive right?
Now the only question is which three?
Peace and Love,
Torii xoxo
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