Friday, July 31, 2009

Happy birthday to you..

Happy birthday mandy. Thanks for a nice night. I should totally be in bed right now. I think i'm drunk, or tipsy. This doesn't feeel nice at all. And, by the way sorry for all the bad spelling. Well this is what it's like to be me right now:
I'm dizzy, the room is spinning, i'm taking forever to type because i keep messing up all the buttons. I´m talking to myself ( no vic, you're just sorting things out with your subconscious that's all.. -i hope sp at leadt) I'm probably going to wake up in the mornibg abgry at myself for haveign written the shittiest post ever..but you knpw what i don't give two fucks. i'm tired and wan to sleep. my face is numb. m whole body acrtually. i had a nice night met someone i hadn't sen in ages. my eyes are red and soom is spinning . can't move my toe.s. wlow. bluagjn,. think i'm gna pukle soon, fuck it m'hems x'taghmel. jaqq man qatt ma hassejtni hekk. nahseb li xrobt wisq. uqija l'aqwa li i don't puke, my parents down't find out and io'm not depressed or crying. *gets up. tries to walk in straight line. trips and fall over her own feet* what the fuck is wrong with me. aaah. finally a msg from ant. she said rthat all i have to do is lie and it will pass.

i'm going to do that bnow. goon night

peace and love,
torii xo


  1. peace my friend... x x i luv u [[dnt ask]]

  2. that even understandable?! Gah *embarrased* haha. But i won't delete cause it made me laugh..what friend had i not seen in ages?! Ajma, i think i didn't know what i was writing..don't even remember writing this in the first place. Hmm. Not. Good.
    Anywho Thanks for moral support nic?? =P

    Peace and Love
    Torii xo
