..and that would be M a l t a . That's right, the friendly little island in the middle of the Mediterranean, found just below Sicily. The perfect holiday location for party people from around the world.. The thing is, w h a t a b o u t l o c a l s ?
I for one can't take it anymore over here. It's small. It's overcrowded. There's nothing to do.
Nowhere to go. You can sight see the whole bloody country in a day! The c o n f o r m i t y is insane, in a stupid people-please-open-your-minds kind of way. You can't do anything without people frowning down on you in some kind of way, or finding something wrong about what you're doing. It's summer at the moment and temperatures are reaching 4 0 d e g r e e s c e l c i u s. I don't know what i'm going to do.. i passed all my exams so there's nothing to study, and even if..i'm not up to it at the moment. It's too hot to just stroll around and i'm currently sunburnt so the sunny beach doesn't seem like the best idea.
I very much miss going to the skatepark, but going during the day is begging to be turned into a l i t t l e c h o c o l a t e m u f f i n ( <>
Ooooh on the hand *tries to think happy thoughts* the luna park just came to malta. I wanna go i wanna go haha. It looks like fun, and it definately beats all my other "social" options ( going clubbing, chatting online/facebook/myspace, sitting in a bar discussing total bullshit, etc..). My friends and i usually go and enjoy it so it could be cool to check it out for old time's sake.. but anywho, for more happy stuff i'm going to make another blog.
Another problem in malta, the R O A D S ! I hate the roads here..no bike lanes- and, let's be frank, barely any decent pedestrian lanes- many of the roads are full of holes, they're completely polluted and there's no form discipline. Drivers are insane, people don't give two shits about road signs, traffic lights. I mean, why can't we just straighten out the roads, eliminate the pavement from one side , since roads are narrow and there are pavements on both sides (hallo?common sense?), change the eliminated pavement into a bike lane and fix up the other semi-deterioated pavement??
Oh well, That's all of my rubbish complaining for now which i'm sure no one really cares about seeing as it's coming out of the mouth a 17 year old girl who has nothing better to do at the moment than notice how gay the island i grew up on really is.
Peace and Love,
Torii xo
I totally agree with everyting here my lovely wife.
ReplyDeleteLet take a one way flight off this rock & live every day as an adventure in some beautiful country where there are more open minded people than here. xkell xxx
Agreed totally hun. I need a country that's cool with veggies tho, i'm sick of people trying to shove dead baby cow *moo* down my throat..
ReplyDeletePeace and Love,
Tor x