Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Green skies and Black grass..

Here i lie, awake in my bed
I'm rolling around thoughts streaming through my head.
You're what I think about, day in and day out-
Not having you with me makes me want to shout.

So I'll cry and I'll scream again and again,
But I'll let out these feelings through paper and pen.
I sure hope you can hear me, where ever you are;
Since all this writing won't get me that far.

Yet here I still lie, half awake in my bed.
I miss you so much; although now you're dead.
I do really regret not saying goodbye,
And acting as though I've moved on is all just a lie.

So I'll cry and I'll scream again and again,
But I'll let out these feelings through paper and pen.
I sure hope you can hear me, where ever you are;
Since all this writing won't get me that far.

I just want you to know that I find it unfair-
One minute you're with me; the next you're not here.
Memories of you still linger, and run through my head.
I still feel you here with me, but i guess i'm misled.

This was a poem/song which i wrote a couple of years back after my Nannu died. These words hold feelings i still have till today and i guess they're all I have to say for today. You don't know what you've got untill it's gone so don't take things or people forgranted..

To my dearest Nanna and Nannu, who i miss greatly. I'll never forget you or let you go!

Peace and Love,
Torii xo


  1. :) u gotta go through the ting to fully understand....noone will understand you[general] unless thev been thru the shit

  2. yeah..the great thing is no one will ever understand me no matter what they've been and how much they know and that's the best part about writing this stuff =)

    Peace and Love,
    Torii xo
